Donor information does not transmit with electronic transfers, 因此, 重要的是,你建议你的经纪人把你的名字写在转账通知单上,并通知劳拉·博斯, 先进服务总监, 给你的礼物打个电话.687.4517或电邮至 这将有助于确保我们在收到您的捐赠时能够及时识别并确认.
A pledge is a promise to make a specified payment within a specific period of time; for the Annual Fund, it is the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
承诺s can be made online, by mail, email, or phone. 院校进修处将于基金年度内邮寄承诺提醒信件及承诺表格. Please call the 先进服务总监 劳拉 酒 at 540.687.4517 should you have any questions or wish to make a pledge over the phone.
在跨学科和体验式课程的挑战下,年轻女性学得最好. 这就是为什么, at this affordable boarding school for girls in Virginia, you'll find girls flying drones across campus, 在Schoolhouse开发应用程序, writing poetry on the banks of Goose Creek, 和 utilizing our current construction projects to learn about engineering. 威尼斯彩票游戏圈子,以前的年度基金,使这些经历成为可能.
Embracing Miss Charlotte's motto: "Keep up with the times,“威尼斯彩票游戏的校园总体规划以理解的方式解决了当前和未来的需求, 升值, 和 commitment to the character of the campus: rural, 开放, 固体, 而质朴.
星期五, 4月19日, Foxcroft held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the new Mars 蒸汽翼, the second of four phases in the School’s “Building for Our Future” campaign. 奠基仪式是在聚会周末的开幕招待会上举行的,有近150名校友参加, 教师, 工作人员, 受托人, 和 friends gat在这里d just outside the current science wing.
感恩节之后的周二已经成为了一个全球性的慷慨和回馈的庆祝活动. 随着我们进入假日季节, 我们希望你能记住威尼斯彩票游戏,周二抽出几分钟时间, 11月30日至 给威尼斯彩票游戏圈子送份礼物. 这笔重要的资金支持了我们每年7%的运营成本,以及学校从教科书到灯泡的各个方面. Your gift impacts every student every day.
毕业于康涅狄格州法明顿的波99499威尼斯信誉小姐学校,她获得了科尔盖99499威尼斯信誉大学的学士学位. She lives in Middleburg with her husb和, daughter, 和 son. She enjoys riding, skiing, traveling, 和 spending time with her family. 她的工作的“津贴”之一是她有机会认识许多与这所学校有关的优秀人士.
海莉 门罗于2023年加入行政团队,担任机构进步总监. 自2014年以来, 海莉 has worked in all aspects of fundraising, first as a consultant with Inbloom Consulting in Brecksville, OH, w在这里 she worked with over 30 regional 和 national non-profit organizations, 和 then at Lake Ridge Academy in North Ridgeville, OH, w在这里 she was Director of Advancement. She has served as Interim Director of Development for a non-profit, she’s managed feasibility studies 和 capital campaigns, as well as directed annual giving 和 major gift efforts. Her skills include prospect research 和 development, 礼物请求, 捐赠者关系和管理, 以及项目和事件管理. As Director of Advancement at Lake Ridge Academy, Ms. 门罗筹集了4美元.两年内达到100万, led a $14 million comprehensive Student Health 和 健康 campaign, revamped the annual giving program to increase revenue, 写资助, 和 was responsible for three major fundraising events annually, including a black-tie gala 和 golf outing.
Ms. 门罗获得了Kent State University的工商管理学士学位,以及Event 领导 Institute的活动和会议管理基础证书. In addition to her passion for fundraising for nonprofit organizations, Ms. 门罗是创始人, 首席执行官, 和 Artistic Director for a dance studio for nearly a decade, honing her skills in operations management 和 in social media 和 marketing, 更别提她对舞蹈的热爱了! 在她的业余时间, 海莉 enjoys running marathons 和 loves being with her Blue Heeler, 小袋鼠, 她的橙色猫叫鲍泽.
劳拉 酒 was born 和 raised in Northern Virginia. 她在乔治梅森大学获得决策科学和管理信息系统学士学位. After working in graphic design, 劳拉 came to Foxcroft in 2005. 她曾在前发展办公室(现为机构推进办公室)担任多个职位,目前是推进事务处主任.
劳拉 currently lives off campus in Leesburg, Va. 在她的业余时间, she enjoys skiing, traveling, 和 watching movies.
An all-girls boarding 和 day school in Northern Virginia, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outst和ing academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes 和 an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, 和 our athletic teams have won conference 和 state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.