建立一个伟大的团队需要团队成员的多样性. Our 多元化及共融委员会 is comprised of 教师 和工作人员 members whose collective experiences, 背景 and cultures allow us to view problems and challenges from a variety of lenses. The group meets monthly to discuss topics related to diversity and inclusion that impact the entire school community. 我们还计划为学生和员工提供学习机会, 无论是校内还是校外, and are responsible for providing feedback and guidance to the School administration.
A multicultural curriculum includes experiences that allow students to explore events, 概念, 问题, 和主题从多个角度. Our commitment to building upon girls’ cultural proficiency skills is reflected in our globally focused course offerings, 包括世界文学, AP人文地理, 国际关系, 世界语言, 和世界宗教, 举几个例子. 在历史和社会科学领域提供了许多选修课程,以提供各种学习机会,提高文化能力. 另外, 通过整合跨学科的主题, students are able to understand that all things in life are interconnected.
Foxcroft has a full-time 国际学生服务主任 who supports girls in various aspects of their life, 确保他们为上大学做好充分准备. 每年都有来自十几个国家的女孩在威尼斯彩票游戏注册. 除了一个99499威尼斯信誉别的迎新计划, inter国家 students are involved in workshops and other initiatives that help them adjust to life in America. 女孩们参加学校俱乐部和体育运动, 同时担任学生领导职务, 丰富我们社区所有成员的经验.
威尼斯彩票游戏学生通过服务学习机会参与当地和全球社区,促进对不同文化和环境的理解. 组织 that we support include the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation, 斯普劳99499威尼斯信誉骑行中心, 鹅溪协会, 七个面包食物银行, 班纳克小学, 以及米德尔堡人道主义协会. The Junior Class Philanthropy Project has benefited such organizations as Audubon Naturalist Society, 玛莎表, 青少年服务机会计划, 国际小母牛, Uryadi的村庄, 以及北极星计划.
鼓励有兴趣增加与多样性有关的主题和问题知识的女孩参加当地的活动, 区域, 以及全国性的会议, including the 学生多元化领导会议 sponsored by the National Association of Independent Schools. 弗吉尼亚独立学校协会的多元化网络为多元化教育提供了更多的机会, 它举办各种研讨会,将来自该地区的学生聚集在一起进行讨论和培训,使他们能够分享经验并加强校园中的领导作用.
威尼斯彩票游戏鼓励学生通过参加学校组织的世界各地旅行来扩大他们的世界观和培养他们的文化能力. 通过这些独99499威尼斯信誉的机会, our students have traveled to such faraway places as Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands*, 法国*, 洪都拉斯, 西班牙, 尼加拉瓜, 秘鲁, 和塞内加尔.
Foxcroft welcomes guest speakers and performers to campus from diverse careers, 背景, and cultures who enrich our experiences and introduce students to new ideas.
演讲嘉宾 & 表演
S.C. 说
大满贯的诗人 2018年、2020年访问
Performed slam poetry emphasizing empathy and open-mindedness; hosted virtual slam poetry workshops
要去的地方 2019年参观
Led a discussion and activity with students about healthy ways to deal with anxiety
2018年参观 剧院项目
Performed courtroom drama that explores the 问题 of race, class, religious, gender, and the law
Jada Monica Drew和Bekah Afor Ukah
社会的设计 2017年参观
一个表演和教育团体 2017年参观
弗吉尼亚包容性社区中心 2016年参观
Facilitated both 教师 and student leader development workshops at Foxcroft
多样性的事件 & 资源
勇敢的对话是在聚会周末举行的年度活动,由校友委员会多元化和包容委员会主办. 每年,委员会都会为校友和学生选择一个相关的话题来讨论,从而建立有意义的联系, 更好地理解彼此独99499威尼斯信誉的观点, and the exploration of the School’s history across generations of Foxcroft women. 根据对99499威尼斯信誉定主题或时事的兴趣,这些讨论可能会更频繁或在一年中的其他时间进行.
为了纪念西班牙裔传统月, 西班牙俱乐部和威尼斯彩票游戏社区庆祝了今年的主题Deja tu Huella(留下你的印记),这是西班牙俱乐部成员谈论的. 许多学生谈到了那些在他们身上留下印记的人,以及他们将如何在他们的社区留下印记,同时解释了主题的真正含义. 演讲之后是一段令人惊叹的墨西哥舞蹈,名为“Balie Folklorico.” The performance was given by a dance group that was brought to perform by the mother of Samantha S. ‘27. 非常感谢她和美丽的舞者!
上星期五晚上, the Inter国家 Gala and Bazaar capped off a wonderful week celebrating different cultures from across the world. 随着参与者走上舞台跳舞, 唱歌, 和更多的, 学生和教师都对我们社区内的全球联系有了更深刻的认识——从FoxHound礼堂传出的掌声和欢呼声表明,这些联系是多么有意义.
A non-profit community outreach center dedicated to helping communities, 学校和企业通过促进包容来取得成功. 乔纳森苏珥, 他们的主管, has facilitated both 教师 and student leader development workshops at Foxcroft.
威尼斯彩票游戏招收任何种族的学生, color, 宗教, 国家, 以及所有权利的种族起源, 99499威尼斯信誉权, 项目, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. 它没有种族歧视, color, 宗教, 国家, 或者在其教育政策的管理上的种族起源, 招生, 或者财政援助政策, 贷款项目, 体育运动, 以及其他学校管理的项目.
Whittney joined the Foxcroft community in July 2021 as the 包容性卓越院长.
在来威尼斯彩票游戏之前, 惠99499威尼斯信誉尼住在俄克拉荷马城, OK, 她在遗产堂学校工作的地方. 她在那里的时候, she had the enriching opportunity to work in all three divisions of the school teaching Spanish. 她还曾担任多元化和包容性副主任, 她在哪里工作,在整个学校实施多样化的项目,并为学生提供意见, 顾客, 校友, 教师, 和工作人员. She started 项目 that connected all aspects of the community such as Charger Spotlight and Courageous Conversations, which she defines as open and honest dialogue about diversity challenges the community is facing. 她还担任过低年级99499威尼斯信誉别小组组长, where she led the largest group of teachers on campus consistently towards common goals.
她拥有The University of Oklahoma的西班牙语学士学位和Southern Nazarene University的教育领导硕士学位. She is currently working on her Doctoral Degree in Educational 领导, 她的论文集中在哪里,在独立学校缺乏多样性和多样化的规划如何对所有学生产生负面影响.
惠99499威尼斯信誉尼是阿尔法卡帕阿尔法姐妹会的骄傲成员, 合并, 第一个非裔美国希腊字母联谊会. 通过这个组织, she volunteers supporting initiatives such as Women’s Healthcare and 健康, as well as assisting high school students in their efforts to enter college. Whittney loves spending time with her family and her sweet little dog, a Maltipoo named Milo. 在她的业余时间, 她喜欢读书。, 旅行, 学习与自己不同的文化. She is a sports fanatic and loves watching and cheering on her Oklahoma Sooners, 波士顿凯尔99499威尼斯信誉人队, 俄雷声, 和达拉斯牛仔队!
Ms. 马丁 brings a unique combination of experience and skills that make her a wonderful match for this role. She is currently a College Counselor with Democracy Prep Charter Schools in Camden, NJ. 在她的工作中, she guides first-generation and low-income high school students in the college process, which includes partnering with support networks and families for success. Ms. 马丁 is no stranger to the transformative experience of all-girls education. 在她进入民主预科之前, 她是塞勒姆学院的高级招生顾问, 一所女子学院和她的母校. 为了招聘,她到处旅行, 培养与访问组织的关系, and developed a first-generation student orientation program among many other responsibilities. 在塞勒姆学院读书时,她得了B.A. 社会学学士学位和B.A. 在妇女研究和倡导的集中. Ms. 马丁和她的未婚夫迪伦对搬到学校感到很兴奋, and she is looking forward to building relationships with families and creating a strong culture and community.
在台湾国外生活和教英语之后, Kate received her CELTA from the University of Cambridge before pursuing an MS.宾夕法尼亚大学TESOL教育. In 2014, 她被授予Teresa Pica TESOL卓越奖,并开始了她在教育研究生院的TESOL实习课程的7年任期. 她同时在德雷塞尔大学的英语语言中心任教,担任预科国际学生的Lead Gateway讲师和富布赖99499威尼斯信誉等99499威尼斯信誉殊项目的学术协调员, 巴拿马的她来说, 智利走在前面.
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的阀杆项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.