For juniors and seniors, 健康计划的重点是帮助女孩过渡到大学的关键科目, 比如人身安全,压力和时间管理. 他们还继续学习金融知识课程, 学习投资, loans, taxes and philanthropy.
Girls继续建立他们的文化能力,并在各种领导角色中发展实用的生活技能. For example, 我们的宿舍领导促进宿舍会议,在那里他们分享和加强自我照顾策略,以发展健康的友谊, self-advocacy, navigating conflict, 管理生活的压力源. All of our dorm leaders are trained in peer counseling before they choose to focus on leadership in one of three socio-emotional realms: peer mediation and conflict resolution, 国际大使的职位, 多样性和包容性.