

威尼斯彩票游戏非常感谢许多捐助者, 通过他们的慷慨和体贴, 是否为未来的学生提供了就读我们寄宿学校的机会. These funds do not require an additional application and are awarded based on the overall strength of the general admission application and on specific criteria stipulated by the donors. 当与基于需求的援助相结合时, named scholarships may replace portions of FA awards to permit the funds to be used to support other 学生.


  • Alexya Solomon '76基金

    为纪念1976届同学Lexy,于2017年成立, this fund supports the “玛格丽99499威尼斯信誉小姐”李基金 to enhance the participation of 学生 in the 骑 Program.
  • 艾米·米克斯·波吉奖学金

    成立于1997年,以纪念艾米·米克斯·波吉81年, this scholarship provides a need-based award to a girl who demonstrates academic promise 并致力于社区服务.
  • 奥黛丽·迈耶玛斯奖学金基金

    The 奥黛丽·迈耶玛斯奖学金基金 is a merit-based award established in 1997 for 学生 with a strong interest in science and mathematics, 并致力于社区服务. 
  • 巴99499威尼斯信誉利99499威尼斯信誉家庭阀杆奖学金

  • C. V. 斯塔尔奖学金

    Established in 1994 by the Starr Foundation, this fund provides need-based assistance to 学生.
  • 塞莱斯99499威尼斯信誉和保罗·伯根财政援助基金

    塞莱斯99499威尼斯信誉P. 保罗·K. 伯根财政援助基金支持威尼斯彩票游戏的第二步倡议, 一个大幅增加学校财政援助捐赠的项目. This initiative provides monetary support for 学生 referred to Foxcroft by non-profit organizations that identify gifted 学生 with limited means.
  • 1949级奖学基金

    由1949届毕业生于1999年创立,作为他们第50届同学会礼物, this need-based scholarship honors the memory of their classmates by providing the oportunity of a Foxcroft education to future generations of girls with preference given to descendants of Foxcroft alumnae who exemplify the qualities of 幽默, 弹性, 服务, 和独创性,这是他们高度个人主义阶级的99499威尼斯信誉点.
  • 2011级奖学金获得者

    由父母建立, 学生, and friends of the Class of 2011 to keep Foxcroft accessible to girls who demonstrate the talent and ambition to succeed.
  • Dede Pickering '71基金

    这个择优奖学金基金是迪迪·皮克林1971年设立的, provides the resources for the Head of School to ensure that Foxcroft is able to continue enrolling talented, 每年都有优秀的年轻女性.
  • 伊丽莎白·迪林厄姆·威克1938年奖学金

    The Elizabeth Dillingham Wick Scholarship Fund was established in 2012 by the children of the late Elizabeth Dillingham Wick '38 through her charitable trust in memory of their mother. This need and merit-based scholarship honors the legacy of Elizabeth Dillingham Wick by providing the opportunity of a Foxcroft education to deserving young women of future generations.
  • 课外经验基金

    由凯瑟琳·黑斯廷斯于78年创立, this fund embraces Foxcroft's "everything we do is curriculum" philosophy by helping to sponsor extra-curricular experiences which serve to enrich Foxcroft's academic and residential life programs. 奖学金将用于文化, artistic and academic enrichment events that are not supported by other financial aid and scholarship programs. Students may apply for assistance for any portion of the involved cost associated with the experience including but not limited to domestic travel fees, 食物, 酒店, 还有节目和活动门票.
  • 外事服务奖学金

    由Suzanne Kuser于1989年创立, this fund offers scholarship aid to 学生 who are the children of Foreign Service or State Department employees.
  • 威尼斯彩票游戏后裔奖学金基金

    成立于1977年,为校友的女儿和孙女 .
  • 海伦坎贝尔克莱伯格奖学金

    成立于1980年, Foxcroft's first named endowed scholarship fund was the gift of Helen Kleberg Groves '45 and her father, 罗伯99499威尼斯信誉J. 小Kleberg.的纪念. 格罗夫斯的母亲,海伦·坎贝尔·克莱伯格.
  • 海明威奖学基金

    成立于1998年是为了纪念威尼斯彩票游戏的老师, 彼得和查尔·海明威, this scholarship funds need-based 格兰99499威尼斯信誉s with preference given to the daughters of educators.
  • 亨利和南希·格里奖学金纪念基金

    Family and friends established this fund in 2001 to honor the memory of Henry Averell Gerry, 女毕业生的丈夫, 女毕业生的父亲, 及终身受托人. 它为喜欢数学的女孩提供奖学金支持, 通过好奇心威尼斯彩票游戏新的挑战, 通过耐心找到解决办法.
  • Hopelet奖学金

  • 它基金

    2008年匿名成立, 此基金为校友的女儿及孙女提供择优资助。.
  • 杰奎琳獾火星奖学金基金

    每年颁发给对公民学有浓厚兴趣的女孩的优秀奖学金, 政府, leadership or history demonstrated by positions she may hold at school such as class officer, 领导社区服务和社团活动, 等.
  • 简·克拉克1973年奖学基金

    简·克拉克奖学金基金由简·克拉克于2012年创立. This need-based scholarship makes a Foxcroft education available to girls who demonstrate enthusiasm for making the most of the Foxcroft experience.
  • 简·莫斯利·克劳福德

    这个基金, 由53年的艾尔莎·莫斯利·克劳福德发起以纪念她的女儿, 简77, sponsors study abroad opportunities for Foxcroft 学生 who would otherwise be unable to participate in these programs. 这项奖学金帮助学生们去了法国, 意大利, 西班牙, 墨西哥, 叙利亚, 约旦, 内罗毕, 立陶宛, 东欧, 英格兰, 泰国, 和秘鲁.
  • 杰斯Y. 沃马克二世奖学基金

    由Lou Womack于2008年创立, 以纪念她的丈夫杰西, this merit-based scholarship makes a Foxcroft education more readily available to girls with enthusiasm for making the most of the Foxcroft experience.
  • 约瑟芬·金伯利·彼得森

    The fund for this memorial scholarship was started in 1997 by the family of 'Jo' Kimberly Peterson '46. 该基金的赠款是根据需要颁发给具有幽默感的女孩, 善良, 以及“回馈”的愿望, 乔·金伯利在她自己的生活中体现的品质.
  • 玛丽·卡斯蒂斯·李首次获得巴兹奖学金

    由简·贝茨·凯99499威尼斯信誉72年创立以纪念她的祖母, 为符合条件的学生提供优秀奖学金.
  • 玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默奖学金

    2005年由威尼斯彩票游戏家族创立, 莱菲海默奖学金是为了纪念玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默而设立的. 前校长, Mary Lou在2014年退休之前将她的大部分职业生涯都奉献给了Foxcroft. Her four-year scholarship is awarded to "a student who possesses the ability to work hard and play hard. 这个学生展示了这些品质, 在年轻人中经常被忽视, 最典型的例子是玛丽·卢:荣誉, 奉献, 忠诚, 幽默, 优雅和善解人意的心."
  • “玛格丽99499威尼斯信誉小姐”李基金

    A riding fund enabling 学生 to discover the joy of that unique bond between horses and humans, established by an anonymous donor in memory of “Miss Margaret” Lee whose inimitable training helped make her a more sensible person and better rider, 也是为了纪念那些帮助她成为一个善良的人的优秀的威尼斯彩票游戏马, 更有同情心的人.
  • 56年皮克99499威尼斯信誉戴维斯兰多夫奖学金

    这个基金 was established to provide need-based assistance to a student who loves athletics and who possesses integrity, 诚实, 幽默感和一颗“善解人意的心”."
  • 读者文摘奖学金

    德威99499威尼斯信誉华莱士基金有限公司., established this endowment in 1976 to provide partial scholarships for 学生 from middle-income families.
  • Robert Emmett Leisher奖学金

    Established in 2011 in memory of former Head of School Mary Louise Leipheimer's brother and beloved Foxcroft community member, 鲍勃Leisher. 虽然鲍勃在威尼斯彩票游戏社区待了很短时间, 他给所有认识他的人留下了深刻的印象. 无论是在校园里遛他的狗梦者, 热情地为他的猎犬队加油, 或者安静地享受一顿饭与教师和学生一样, 鲍勃本身就是一名“老师”, 默默以身作则. This scholarship provides the opportunity of a Foxcroft education to a deserving student who is a quiet leader who embodies inner strength, 幽默, 以及对户外活动的热爱. 
  • 露丝T. 贝德福德艺术奖学金

    露丝T. 贝德福德艺术优秀奖学金表彰了. Bedford by supporting girls who share her passion for the arts and who embody her sense of adventure and enterprise.
  • 奖学金/财政援助基金

    This endowment seeks to increase the accessabilty of a Foxcroft education to qualified girls, 不管他们家庭的经济实力如何. Gifts to this endowment ensure that we can offer needed financial support to incoming 学生.
  • 第二步计划

    “第二步倡议”于2007年成立,旨在推动“第二步倡议”的实施, academically-qualified 学生 with limited means to Foxcroft by providing financial support for those 学生.
  • 99499威尼斯信誉雷西·路易斯·美林奖学金

    1978年,约翰. 路易斯,小., 这项捐赠奖学金提供学费, 格兰99499威尼斯信誉, 为有经济需要的学生提供贷款援助.
  • 弗吉尼亚克里99499威尼斯信誉拉火星奖学金基金

    弗吉尼亚克里99499威尼斯信誉拉火星奖学金基金成立于1997年, 是给对文学有浓厚兴趣的学生颁发优异奖吗, 视觉或表演艺术以及对社区服务的承诺.

北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的阀杆项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.